What has blogging done for you?

Image: Sean MacEntee

Image: Sean MacEntee

I’m new to blogging and worried that I will make all the mistakes in the book…but I can’t find ‘The Book’. I have found some great sites like ProBlogger  and tips from successful bloggers like Penelope Trunk .

Although there is lots of advice on ‘how to blog’ and ‘how to make money blogging’ they don’t explore what else you get or learn from blogging. So I thought I’d ask you all. What has blogging done for you?

My answer would be about pushing myself. It has pushed me into a public space, pushed me to research and critically consider topics, pushed me to closely listen to others opinions and explain my opinion, and pushed me to do all of this in a professional and respectful way. Being on your best behaviour all the time is exhausting  for me – but character building. So that’s me, but what has blogging done for you?

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